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im raymond...nickname rayray...ahs...like bskbll...hate reading...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog #4

Read an article of your choice. Summarize it 5-8 sentences.  Explain why you think it is important and put a link to the article
How the Brain Chooses Sides
Our brain helps us decide which hand to use in our everyday day life.  The left posterior parietal cortex is one part of the brain that controls the buttons, like typing, for the human body.  The "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" stated that a brief neural tussle creates a competition which allows one hand to win the movement over the other.  Oliveira created an experiment with right-handed people using the table containing a motion-tracking system and directions on which hand to use.  When the volunteers are able to decide which hand to use their speed are slower by 30 milliseconds, still most volunteers uses right hand.  Later, the scientists briefly disrupted activity in the posterior parietal cortex on the left side of the brain, the  left posterior parietal cortex, the volunteers uses their left hand 13.5% more often than before.  Other the other hand, when scientists disrupted the right posterior parietal cortex, the result did not change.  This shows the left side of the brain plans movement.  This is important because it explains to people why they use a certain hand on a certain time.View Image

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog #2

Several years ago  NASA rocket failed because scientists were not using the same system of measurement for all the parts. Should the US switch to the metric system? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.
I think the U.S. should switch to the metric system.  One reason is because the metric system is a national system used by almost every single countries on earth.  This makes math and calculation much easier for people.  Another reason is for the students who lost many brain cells trying to remember the U.S.'s measurements.  The metric system is easy to use because every unit is multiple of 10.  For these reasons, I think the U.S. should switch to the metric system.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog #3

Are non carbon based life forms possible? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.
 No, non carbon based life forms are not possible.  According to scientists, all living things, like plants and animals, are composed of carbon.  Without carbon, all living will not survive.  Carbon can bond to with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, which forms molecules.  These elements are very important for living organisms.  Protein, fat, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are important molecules that contains carbon and allow the living organisms to receive energy, live, and develop.  Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen forms carbohydrates, which is the building blocks of life.  With these reasons, I conclude that non carbon based life forms are not possilbe.

Blog #1

The Goals of the Year
This year in Alhambra High School I want to improve myself on test scores and homework scores.  Getting straight A's, passing all exams, and receiving a GPA of 4.0 are all important goals that I want to achieve.  Other than that, I also wants to join a fun sport team where I can meet friends and have fun.  Last of all, I want to receive A's in every single test and quiz of the biology class and enjoy all the experiments in the biology class.