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im raymond...nickname rayray...ahs...like bskbll...hate reading...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog #12

Look up Gregor Mendel and his pea plant experiments Why does P1 look all alike and F1 looks very different?

The P1 look similar because they are purebreds and parents.The F2 looks different because they are not a purebreds so they are a mix of genes from the F1 generation, which also looks the same because they are offsprings of the P1, so they have the same amount of genes.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog #10

Step 1) Shred Cabbage - I use my food processor for speed and ease. If you shred by hand, make sure the shreds are no thicker than a nickel or dime!

Step 2) Mix, with wooden spoon or very clean hands, 5 pounds of shredded cabbage with 4 tablespoons of Kosher salt (pickling salt will do but changes the flavor a bit - do not use table salt) and toss and mix thoroughly until kosher salr dissolves! (You can make as much as you wish as long as you use the ratio of 5 lbs. cabbage to 4 Tbs. salt.)
NOTE: If you plan on refrigerating and not canning use 3 tbs of salt not 4!

Step 3) When juice starts to form on cabbage from tossing - Pack the cabbage firmly and evenly into a clean crock, glass or enamel container. Press firmly to encourage juice formation. Fill the utensil no closer than 5 inches from the top.

Step 4) Make sure juice covers the cabbage completely! (This does not always happen unless the cabbage is fresh from the garden) I prepare additional brine by putting 1 1/2 Tablespoons of kosher salt into 1 quart of boiling water. Dissolve salt and cool brine to room temperature before adding to the pot of cabbage.

Step 5) Once cabbage is immersed in brine water, place a large food grade, plastic bag filled with brine water and lay on top if cabbage... (I use 2 large bags, one inside the other   - sometimes a 2 gal freezer bag - with a couple of quarts of cooled brine water inside - this if the bag breaks it will not water down the cabbage into a tasteless mess)
The cabbage must be well sealed all around with the bag, so no air can get in and contaminate the sauerkraut with unwanted yeasts or molds!

Step 6) Now cover the container with plastic wrap, then a heavy towel or cloth and tie securely into place. Do not remove this until fermenting is complete!

Step 7) Put in an area where the temperature will not be above 75 degrees. Fermentation will begin within a day, depending upon the room temperature.

Step 8) If room temperature is 75 degrees allow 3 weeks for fermentation. If temperature is 70 degrees allow 4 weeks. If temperature is 65 degrees allow 5 weeks. If temperature is 60 degrees allow 6 weeks.

Step 9) Once fermented taste to see if your required tartness exists. Tartness will weaken as you process in canning so make sure it is a wee bit more tart than you like!
NOTE: The sauerkraut may not ferment and could spoil, If temperature is above 75 or 76 degrees!

!!!!! Fermentation is the process of deriving energy from the oxidation of organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, and using an endogenous electron acceptor, which is usually an organic compound. In this recipe due to fermantaion the cabage is cooked over time, with any heat.

Blog #11

Blog 11 In the movie Gattaca parents were allowed to pick the traits of their babies, should we be able to do this? Why or why not?
 No, if all the parents can  pick the traits of their babies, then the world will be fill with the same kind of people because all the parents will pick perfect traits.  Soon this world will have no one competing against each other becuase everyone are the same.  The world will be very boring and will suck.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog #9

How far should the government go in isolating people with an infectios diseases? Should the army be involved?

I think if there is infectios disease the government should quickly isolate the infected people from the healthy people.  Without doing thta diseases might spread quickly and widely until a point where even the government can not control it.  If the disease is very deadly i think the army should be involved too to protect people and keep them in order.  With army's help, disease can be control under less amount of time and allow more time for scientists to help the infected people.

Blog #8

Steps to enter a hot zone

1.take off all the clothes, tie up any long hair if necessary
2. shower with special water that cleans ur body
3. put on a skin tight suit
4. wear latex gloves, a thicker glove, and a final glove(3 layers of glove)
5. put a special sealed mask/helmet on to protect from virus
6. wear tough and special rubber boots
7. plug air nozzle into suit
8. take a shower again
9. safety doors

Blog #7

Raymond: So, Jack, what do u think about cancer?

Jack: Scary...My grandpa got it and he died in less than 2 months -_-

Raymond: Which kind of cancer do u think is the scariest?

Jack: Emm~~~lung cancer?? ^_^

Raymond: I think brain cancer is more scary because brain is the most important part of a human body.

Jack: Well~~lung cancer is more scary because we need lungs to breathe. o_o

Raymond: How do you get lung cancer anyways? ??

Jack: By smoking and breathing bad air? x_x stoopid!!

Raymond: Oh! I don't smoke so I am safe. Haha!!  ^-^

Jack: :D haha.....breathing bad air gives u cancer 2 u know?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog #6

Bacteria can be harmful.
A harmful bacteria can kill tons of humans.
Carrying these harmful bacterias can infect many other healthy humans.
The bacteria can also be very helpful.
Entering a human body, the bacteria can ruin everything inside the body.
Rats can carry harmful bacteria around.
I think harmful bacterias are very dangerous.
A helpful bacteria can make a human's body healthy.
Website:  http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/51175/understanding_bacteria_harmless_and.htm

 Website:  http://www.ctds.info/helpful_bacteria.html

Blog #5

Find one good prokaryote (bacteria) Describe how it helps people Include a picture of it Now find one harmful microorganism (bacteria, fungi, virus algae) Describe how it is harmful include a picture.

Campylobacter is a group of bacteria that can create illnesses to a human body.  The Campylobacter is also a type of bacteria that causes food poisoning to a lot of living things.  Campylobacter can be cause by eating raw materials, like raw meat.  Cramps, fever and pain will be caused because of Campylobacter.

website:  http://www.cdc.gov/nczved/divisions/dfbmd/diseases/campylobacter/

Intestinal flora is a type of bacteria that are good for human health.  Intestinal flora is healthy stomach bacteria are helpful to release a lot of useful vitamins such as vitamin B and vitamin K, etc.  The Intestinal flora also maintain normal pH level or acid level of the human stomach which makes human healthy.

website:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intestinal_flora

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog #4

Read an article of your choice. Summarize it 5-8 sentences.  Explain why you think it is important and put a link to the article
How the Brain Chooses Sides
Our brain helps us decide which hand to use in our everyday day life.  The left posterior parietal cortex is one part of the brain that controls the buttons, like typing, for the human body.  The "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" stated that a brief neural tussle creates a competition which allows one hand to win the movement over the other.  Oliveira created an experiment with right-handed people using the table containing a motion-tracking system and directions on which hand to use.  When the volunteers are able to decide which hand to use their speed are slower by 30 milliseconds, still most volunteers uses right hand.  Later, the scientists briefly disrupted activity in the posterior parietal cortex on the left side of the brain, the  left posterior parietal cortex, the volunteers uses their left hand 13.5% more often than before.  Other the other hand, when scientists disrupted the right posterior parietal cortex, the result did not change.  This shows the left side of the brain plans movement.  This is important because it explains to people why they use a certain hand on a certain time.View Image

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog #2

Several years ago  NASA rocket failed because scientists were not using the same system of measurement for all the parts. Should the US switch to the metric system? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.
I think the U.S. should switch to the metric system.  One reason is because the metric system is a national system used by almost every single countries on earth.  This makes math and calculation much easier for people.  Another reason is for the students who lost many brain cells trying to remember the U.S.'s measurements.  The metric system is easy to use because every unit is multiple of 10.  For these reasons, I think the U.S. should switch to the metric system.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog #3

Are non carbon based life forms possible? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.
 No, non carbon based life forms are not possible.  According to scientists, all living things, like plants and animals, are composed of carbon.  Without carbon, all living will not survive.  Carbon can bond to with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, which forms molecules.  These elements are very important for living organisms.  Protein, fat, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are important molecules that contains carbon and allow the living organisms to receive energy, live, and develop.  Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen forms carbohydrates, which is the building blocks of life.  With these reasons, I conclude that non carbon based life forms are not possilbe.

Blog #1

The Goals of the Year
This year in Alhambra High School I want to improve myself on test scores and homework scores.  Getting straight A's, passing all exams, and receiving a GPA of 4.0 are all important goals that I want to achieve.  Other than that, I also wants to join a fun sport team where I can meet friends and have fun.  Last of all, I want to receive A's in every single test and quiz of the biology class and enjoy all the experiments in the biology class.